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User Preferences

Doctave supports dynamic content via user preferences. This means you can customize what content your readers will see based on preferences they've selected.

User preferences are useful when your product has different capabilities depending on, for example, the reader's plan.

You can for example:

  • Hide specific content based on the reader's selected plan
  • Show different instructions based on a region
  • Tell users that a given feature isn't available for their account type

The user is able to select their preference from a dropdown in the navigation, and you can customize both the navigation and Markdown content based on their choice.

Example of a user preference dropdown showing different plans the user can select fromExample of a user preference dropdown showing different plans the user can select from

Creating user preferences

To create a user preference, add a user preference object to your project file.

A user preference is a key-value pair that Doctave will use to customize the rendering of your documentation. See reference.

title: My Project

    label: My Plan
    default: Starter
      - Starter
      - Growth
      - Enterprise

Adding a customized label for user preferences

You can choose to customize the label that's shown in the user preference selector.

title: My Project

    label: My Plan
    default: starter
      - label: Starter Plan for Beginners
        value: starter
      - label: Growth Plan
        value: growth
      - label: Enterprise
        value: enterprise

The label is designed to be a prettier name for the preference that will be shown to users in the user preferences dropdowns. The value field can be used by you in your documentation to show or hide content.

Customizing content

Once you have setup your user preferences, you can now customize your documentation depending on the user's currently selected preference.

Showing content based on user preferences

If you have defined a user preference called plan, like above, you render some content conditionally with the Fragment component.

Conditionally render content in Markdown
<Fragment if={@user_preferences.plan == "Starter"}>
  You are on the starter plan

You use if={..} on any Doctave component. Even your own custom ones!

Or, you can render the current value:

Rendering the currently selected user preference
  You are currently on the {@user_preferences.plan} plan

Customizing navigation based on user preferences

Sections in the navigation can be shown based on a condition, using the show_if property.

Showing navigation items based on user preference
- heading: API Reference
          - Growth
          - Enterprise

In the above example, we're telling Doctave to only show the API Reference section if the user has selected as their plan either Growth or Enterprise.

Conditionals are based on matchers which you can use to determine when a section or link should be shown.


equals is the simplest matcher. It checks that the given plan is an exact match.

"equals" matcher
      equals: Enterprise

One Of

one_of matcher expects as an argument a list of values to match against.

"one_of" matcher
        - Growth
        - Enterprise

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