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Doctave Studio

The Doctave desktop app, Doctave Studio, shows you what your documentation will look like once published, and gives you real-time feedback about issues such as broken links.

The Doctave desktop app

When writing documentation, you have your text editor of choice and Doctave Studio open side-by-side. When you make an update in your editor, Doctave Studio immediately recognises it and shows you the updated documentation.

Why build Doctave Studio?

We built Doctave Studio because we wanted to solve 3 common problems faced by technical writing teams:

Simplifying the documentation development environment

We constantly heard that teams struggled with managing JavaScript or Python development environments consistently when using static site generators. The friction would cost teams time and lead to some people not being able to contribute to the documentation at all.

Lightning fast iteration

By building a native desktop app, we could also address one of the common problems we heard: build speeds. It's not uncommon to hear static site generators taking over 15 minutes to do a clean build your documentation site, especially when you have multiple versions.

Doctave Studio is able to rebuild a documentation site made of thousands of documents from scratch in milliseconds.

Great author feedback

Finally, Doctave Studio lets us give you world-class feedback as you're writing. You get excellent error messages and constant feedback.

Doctave Studio analyses your documentation as you save your changes, warning you about syntax issues or broken links. Your docs won't be published if any issues are found, preventing mistakes from ever getting to your readers.

The Doctave desktop appThe Doctave desktop app
Doctave Studio analyses your content for issues such as broken links as you write

Downloading Doctave Studio

Doctave Studio is available on MacOS, Windows, and Linux, and you can find download links on our releases pages.

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