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Introduction to Doctave

Doctave is a platform for writing and publishing technical documentation using a docs-as-code workflow.

We believe that docs-as-code doesn't have to mean weeks or months of customizing static site generators. We give you a modern, fully-featured documentation site with OpenAPI support, powerful search, and many other integrations out of the box, without having to spend time on undifferentiated DocOps.

You get the workflow benefits or docs-as-code, popular among engineering teams, with the convenience of managed documentation platform.

A powerful documentation publishing platform

Doctave's platform can manage multiple versions of your documentation, track analytics, user feedback, and serve your documentation to your readers at lightning speeds.

Doctave Studio

Doctave's desktop app, Doctave Studio, is an all-in-one SDK and preview environment for authoring documentation on Doctave. It shows you in real time what your documentation will looks like, while checking your docs for issues like broken links.

Doctave Studio ›

Where to start?

We recommend going through our Quickstart Guide. This will walk you through authoring and publishing documentation on Doctave.

Quickstart Guide ›

How can I get help?

You can always reach out to with any support issues. Once you've signed up, you can also use our in-app chat in the Doctave Dashboard to reach out.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some commonly asked questions and answers that you may find useful.

Where does my documentation live?

The source of truth for your documentation is your Git repository.

You send your changes to Doctave as part of CI/CD, and Doctave takes care of serving your documentation to your readers.

Do you host the documentation?

Yes. Doctave hosts your documentation for you on Doctave's servers.

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