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Component Expression Syntax

You can use expressions to use dynamic content in your docs, or conditionally show specific content. Expression syntax is primarily used with user preferences.

Here is a simple example:

{ "bob" | capitalize }

This would render: Bob.

NOTE: Dynamic expressions and components aren't supported inside code blocks, in order to prevent clashes with any languages with similar syntax.

Expressions in components

You can use expressions as arguments to components. The only change you have to make is instead of using the HTML-style attribute syntax (key="value"), you use curly braces instead of quotes for the value of the attribute (key={ value }):

For example, if you want to use a currently select user preference in a component, you can do that as follows:

<Component.Example plan={ @user_preferences.plan } />

You can also use more complex expressions:

<Card title={"Current plan: " | append(@user_preferences.plan) } />


Filters are ways for you to transform values inside expressions. You can call filters like functions in most programming languages:

capitalize("docs")  # => "Docs"

But you can also use a pipeline syntax, where values flow from one filter to another in sequence:

"docu" | capitalize | append("mentation") # => "Documentation"

You can find the list of supported filters here ›


Doctave's expression language supports the following basic types:

  • Strings
  • Integers
  • Floats
  • Boolean values
  • Lists (coming soon)
  • Objects (coming soon)
  • Null


All values are truthy, except for null and false. This allows you to for example set a default value in case a variable is null:

{ @maybe_null || "Default value" }

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