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Box component

A <Box> component is a way to group together Markdown content inside other components. For example, if you want to group together two paragraphs inside a <Grid> element, you can wrap them in a <Box>.

Under the hood, <Box> will be converted to a plain <div>.

I am in a box!


The <Box> component can be customized using the following attributes.


You can adjust the padding inside the <Box> with the p attribute. It must be a value between 0 and 5 inclusive.

I am in a box with a padding of 5!


You can tell your Box element to consume the full height of its container with the height attribute.

Must be one of auto or full. Defaults to auto.

Box component with a height of 100%
<Box height="full">
  I am in a box with a height of 100%

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