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Steps Component

The <Steps> component allows you to guide users through a series of sequential steps, providing instructions and content for each step along the way.

Each step can have arbitrary Markdown or other components.

  1. Step 1

    Explanation of step 1

  2. Step 2

    Explanation of step 2

  3. Step 3

    Explanation of step 3


The <Steps> (plural) component expects as children a sequence of <Step> (singular) components.

Step component structure
  <Step title="...">
  <Step title="...">

Passing anything other than a <Step> components as a child to the <Steps> component will result in an error.


The <Steps> and <Step> components can be customized using the following attributes.

Step title

Each <Step> (singular) component must have a title attribute, which specifies the title of the step.

  1. First step

    Procure volcanic island lair

  2. Second step


  3. Third step


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