User Preferences

User preferences allow you to customize content depending on the reader's preference.

For example, if some features of your product are only available on specific plans, you can let your users select their plan, so that they're only shown relevant content. See the dynamic content section for a how-to guide.

Doctave will automatically add a user preference selector to your header if you have enabled this feature.

Example of a user preference dropdown showing different plans the user can
select from

Creating user preferences

To create a user preference, add a user preference object to your project file.

A user preference is a key-value pair that Doctave will use to customize the rendering of your documentation. See reference.

title: My Project

    label: My Plan
    default: Starter
      - Starter
      - Growth
      - Enterprise

You can specify the available values and the default value for a user preference.

Adding a customized label for user preferences

You can choose to customize the label that's shown in the user preference selector.

Customized user preference labels

Instead of using plain text for values, use the complex format:

title: My Project

    label: My Plan
    default: starter
      - label: Starter Plan for Beginners
        value: starter
      - label: Growth Plan
        value: growth
      - label: Enterprise
        value: enterprise

Accessing user preferences in markdown

The specified user preferences are exposed as variables which can be used by the Doctave templating system.

User preferences are accessible under the DOCTAVE.user_preferences key. In the above example, you could access the user's plan preference through DOCTAVE.user_preferences.plan.

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